Friday, June 26, 2009

I Don't Know What to Say.....

A day, I mean a morning...
Something happens... I mean me... SWT!! I don't know how to say.......
It give a very weird feeling..... I doesn't... erm... ...... ....
That day makes me feel happy, sad,crazy, and a bit of 'berat hati' you know!!!.....
It just doesn't feel right that day!!! I wanted to stay but.. but.. I really really need to go that time....
But I doesn't want to go!!!! Argh!!!!!!!!!! What am I gonna do that.. that second??
I hope that we can be there..I mean like with you in a same place and doing the same thing!!! I really want to!!!
But.... at that time... I doesnt know what to do... I wanted to stay but I can't.....
I hope that in the future, it will have this kind of opportunity to do so....

那一天是我难忘的一天....... 你那一刹那的笑容令我无法忘记.......
我感到很不舍得, 有一种不上不下的感觉...
想留下来, 可是却很为难....就是有一种想离开却又不想的一种感觉....
有很不舍得, 可是能真么样?
咳..... 我觉得很辛苦啊!!!!!!!!

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